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A Toy and Die-Cast Auction - A lot of items will need to be collected please enquire before bidding
Venue address
Vincent Court
Teal Park
Turnstone Road
Lincoln, Lincolnshire
United Kingdom
A Toy and Die-Cast Auction - A lot of items will need to be collected please enquire before bidding

Contents of several estates including Gold, Jewellery, Silver, Art, Toys, Die-cast, Coins, Stamps, Furniture etc

Auction dates
Mar 12, 2024 09:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Mar 11, 2024 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
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We found 7 items matching your search
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3 large soft tigers and 3 smaller ones (In need of a wash)
12 GBP
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A set of 12 fine art casting white metal Doctor Who busts on display stands. 6 Doctors & 6
180 GBP
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An original vintage framed railway carriage print of 'Theddlethorpe Lincolnshire' from a watercolour
45 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
An original vintage framed railway carriage print of 'Peterborough cathedral' from a watercolour
45 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
An original vintage framed railway carriage print of 'Tattershall Lincolnshire' from a watercolour
45 GBP
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3 Large framed prints of steam railway engines COLLECT ONLY
18 GBP
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A Scooby Doo haunted mansion & figures
16 GBP
20 - 40 GBP